When I create jewelry, I try to refine nature's genuine qualities and physical substances. It's about enhancing natural beauty into art. To lift something in its purest but also most imperfect form, essentially exuding romance. I draw my inspiration from the Japanese aesthetic philosophy of Wabi Sabi, but also from any other art form that is celebrating nature and the organic.
Although I'm classically trained as a goldsmith I see myself as an artist and I create most of my work in bronze. To create in bronze is to let go and to let the substance create with you, with its unique qualities and properties.
To wear bronze jewelry is to praise and continue an ever growing grace. To invite the elements to come in for organic evolvement. Wind, rain, salty seas and snow-capped mountains impress and the bronze follows to colour, refine and mature along with its wearer. Where you go, the piece of bronze is let to tell the story.
I believe that beauty is not consistent, nor does it have a beginning or end. Any object has, in its nature, the intrinsic potential to be an elegant statement. All jewelry is hand made, locally in Sweden and we believe in fair trade and sustainably sourced material.
When wearing my art, object, smith and wearer become one, developing and living organically together.
Welcome to my universe.
Krista Kretzschmar